Detox Tea - What’s the Hype?
If you are active on social media, chances are you have seen at least one influencer promoting a detox tea that will give you a flat tummy and assist in weight loss. But are detox teas really a cure all?
The short answer is no. One tea cannot give you a flat tummy, but paired with a healthy diet and exercise, detox tea can still be beneficial.
So what is detox tea? How can it help?
Detox tea contains herbs and spices that are diuretics. Diuretics assist your system in removing water from the body, so it is thought that a detox tea will flush toxins out of your system. While this can be beneficial, it is important to stay hydrated while consuming detox tea. Make sure you are drinking enough water to supplement this beverage.
If you are interested in trying a detox tea, head over to our shop! We have just released our own detox tea, Reset, which is now available for purchase.